My Sunday Walk
Yesterday, Mummy and Daddy brought me out on my usual Sunday walk! Mummy's brother and his girlfriend came along as well.

Before going for the walk. I'm so excited! :D

Just getting started and I'm starting to do my big business! Hehe.

Oops! Mummy caught it on camera!

Mmm.. the grass smells pretty nice. Perhaps one of my dog friends have been here before?

Let's smell it in more detail!

Daddy and I ran ahead while Mummy and the couple were behind us!

And then Mummy called and told us to slow down so that she can catch up with the camera. Keke. So Daddy and I made a U-turn back for Mummy.

A field of grass!

More grass!!! :D

Stop, Look, Cross!

All the stops to smell the grass had Daddy and Mummy leaving me behind! Yikes!

Okay, I need to rest after the sudden dash to catch up!

Still catching my breath!

I'm all ready! And hey! Why are there so many people over here?

Ah, so that's what's going here!

Time for water! :)

Ahhh. Thirst quenching!

Alright! Time to start our walk back home.

Mummy tried to take a photo but I moved! Hehe.

Fine, fine, fine.. I stopped for Mummy to take photo. I stood still, but Mummy moved! Tee-hee.

And so we tried it again! Success!

Run, run, run!!!

Mummy said I look weirdly cute in this picture. And extremely shock to see my tongue stick out so much! Hehe.

Everyone who went for the walk is in this picture except Mummy! :(
Edit: Daddy says he will take the photos next time, so Mummy can be in all the photos!! YAY!

Oh no! They have bicycle markings and foot markings but no paw markings! So Daddy and I walk in the middle of the road! Hehe.

I see something ahead!!

It's a drain! A big drain with lots of water! :P

I'm so tired! But I still want to run somemore! I love the outdoors!

A friend! A big Siberian Husky! Mummy says it's so pretty.. What about me!?!?

I may be small in size but I'm not scared of big dogs!! Hehe! *BRAVE DOG!*

Mummy wants another close up shot of me, so I paused for a little while!

Instead of walking up the stairs, Mummy and Daddy decided to take the lift cos everyone's so tired!

Corridor to home! YAY! Home sweet home!
And here are some videos for you to view!
Walking on the path which would lead us to the Bedok Reservoir Park!
Oops! Not only did Mummy manage to capture me doing my big big business, she managed to capture it all on video too! *Hides of embarassment*
Strolling in the park with Daddy, Mummy, her brother and girlfriend!
Back from the park and heading home! :D
See the current hair cut I have?

Well, Mummy and Daddy spent a lot of time shaving it! Well, mostly was done by Mummy cos Daddy was busy at work. Hehe.
The first night Daddy brought home a shaver meant for me, he tried it!

He had cut up till my bum area and decided to call it a night.
But Mummy wasn't going to let it stop there! She wanted to try it out too!
And soon, my coat looked like this...

Mummy decided to stop shaving as well cos she say it's too late and we all need to go to bed. So they left me look like this that night!

Mummy thought it looked like a cropped sweater! She couldn't stop laughing!

Does it really look funny?
Luckily, Mummy shaved off the fur that was left on my body the next day. Phew! I'd be embarassed to go out looking like that! But Mummy didn't shave my face and ears till about a week later. And while, THANKFULLY!, Mummy forgot to take a picture of how I had looked like then!
She said this was how my faced looked like, except that I had a skinny body (cos there's no more fur!) to go with it... (Mummy edited the photo to help you all visualise it.)

Boy! Am I glad she forgot to snap a picture of me then!

Before going for the walk. I'm so excited! :D

Just getting started and I'm starting to do my big business! Hehe.

Oops! Mummy caught it on camera!

Mmm.. the grass smells pretty nice. Perhaps one of my dog friends have been here before?

Let's smell it in more detail!

Daddy and I ran ahead while Mummy and the couple were behind us!

And then Mummy called and told us to slow down so that she can catch up with the camera. Keke. So Daddy and I made a U-turn back for Mummy.

A field of grass!

More grass!!! :D

Stop, Look, Cross!

All the stops to smell the grass had Daddy and Mummy leaving me behind! Yikes!

Okay, I need to rest after the sudden dash to catch up!

Still catching my breath!

I'm all ready! And hey! Why are there so many people over here?

Ah, so that's what's going here!

Time for water! :)

Ahhh. Thirst quenching!

Alright! Time to start our walk back home.

Mummy tried to take a photo but I moved! Hehe.

Fine, fine, fine.. I stopped for Mummy to take photo. I stood still, but Mummy moved! Tee-hee.

And so we tried it again! Success!

Run, run, run!!!

Mummy said I look weirdly cute in this picture. And extremely shock to see my tongue stick out so much! Hehe.

Everyone who went for the walk is in this picture except Mummy! :(
Edit: Daddy says he will take the photos next time, so Mummy can be in all the photos!! YAY!

Oh no! They have bicycle markings and foot markings but no paw markings! So Daddy and I walk in the middle of the road! Hehe.

I see something ahead!!

It's a drain! A big drain with lots of water! :P

I'm so tired! But I still want to run somemore! I love the outdoors!

A friend! A big Siberian Husky! Mummy says it's so pretty.. What about me!?!?

I may be small in size but I'm not scared of big dogs!! Hehe! *BRAVE DOG!*

Mummy wants another close up shot of me, so I paused for a little while!

Instead of walking up the stairs, Mummy and Daddy decided to take the lift cos everyone's so tired!

Corridor to home! YAY! Home sweet home!
And here are some videos for you to view!
Walking on the path which would lead us to the Bedok Reservoir Park!
Oops! Not only did Mummy manage to capture me doing my big big business, she managed to capture it all on video too! *Hides of embarassment*
Strolling in the park with Daddy, Mummy, her brother and girlfriend!
Back from the park and heading home! :D
See the current hair cut I have?

Well, Mummy and Daddy spent a lot of time shaving it! Well, mostly was done by Mummy cos Daddy was busy at work. Hehe.
The first night Daddy brought home a shaver meant for me, he tried it!

He had cut up till my bum area and decided to call it a night.
But Mummy wasn't going to let it stop there! She wanted to try it out too!
And soon, my coat looked like this...

Mummy decided to stop shaving as well cos she say it's too late and we all need to go to bed. So they left me look like this that night!

Mummy thought it looked like a cropped sweater! She couldn't stop laughing!

Does it really look funny?
Luckily, Mummy shaved off the fur that was left on my body the next day. Phew! I'd be embarassed to go out looking like that! But Mummy didn't shave my face and ears till about a week later. And while, THANKFULLY!, Mummy forgot to take a picture of how I had looked like then!
She said this was how my faced looked like, except that I had a skinny body (cos there's no more fur!) to go with it... (Mummy edited the photo to help you all visualise it.)

Boy! Am I glad she forgot to snap a picture of me then!
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