Boxing Day!
Ah! It has been more than 4 months!
Thankfully, Mummy remembered to update just before the end of year 2008!
And as usual, Mummy have a lot of photos (and a video!) of the very beautiful ME!
So behold everyone... you're about to treat your eyes to something small, cute and furry - that's me! :D
Daddy scratched my tummy the other day and Mummy saw me giggling away. She said I looked hilariously cute! I AGREE!

And on another 'the other day', Daddy placed me on his lap while he played a game on his computer. I got really, really bored... Did I mention that I hit the 'F10' button and Daddy's game automatically shut? Hehehe.

Sigh.. I'm so bored...

Mummy! Stop taking photos! Help me!!!

The floor has never looked so enticing before...

Oh, how I long for the floor...

You know what Mummy, I give up.. You're just enjoying yourself in my misery!! :(
(M: Would like to clarify, she was the one who BEGGED to be carried up onto Daddy's lap.)
And then came Christmas!!

Mummy bought me a pair (M: times 2 please, you have 4 paws.) of shoes for my oh-so-delicate legs. Cute, right? I feel like Santarina already! :))
And of cos, what better way to end this special post but with a video of yours truly!? In my new shoes while at it! Hehe.
Enjoy and goodnight :)
Thankfully, Mummy remembered to update just before the end of year 2008!
And as usual, Mummy have a lot of photos (and a video!) of the very beautiful ME!
So behold everyone... you're about to treat your eyes to something small, cute and furry - that's me! :D
Daddy scratched my tummy the other day and Mummy saw me giggling away. She said I looked hilariously cute! I AGREE!

And on another 'the other day', Daddy placed me on his lap while he played a game on his computer. I got really, really bored... Did I mention that I hit the 'F10' button and Daddy's game automatically shut? Hehehe.

Sigh.. I'm so bored...

Mummy! Stop taking photos! Help me!!!

The floor has never looked so enticing before...

Oh, how I long for the floor...

You know what Mummy, I give up.. You're just enjoying yourself in my misery!! :(
(M: Would like to clarify, she was the one who BEGGED to be carried up onto Daddy's lap.)
And then came Christmas!!

Mummy bought me a pair (M: times 2 please, you have 4 paws.) of shoes for my oh-so-delicate legs. Cute, right? I feel like Santarina already! :))
And of cos, what better way to end this special post but with a video of yours truly!? In my new shoes while at it! Hehe.
Enjoy and goodnight :)